Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Canadian Government Essays - Income Tax In The United States, Tax

Canadian Government Should the government of Canada continue to support the universality of social services by increasing the proportion of salaries given to income tax? This question hits a very touchy spot for all Canadians because some agree that a higher portion of an individual's salary should go to income tax, so a better standard of living could be made by all Canadians, instead of just to the financially blessed class of society. They believe that by the Canadian government doing so, it would limit the greed in our society, and make for a better feel of equality. Then there are those Canadians' who believe government should not increase the proportion of their salaries given to income tax because they believe the government should help encourage Canadians to be more independent, instead of depending on the government for all of their basic needs and wants. They believe that when they go out and make their hard earned money, they should be able to keep it, instead of giving most of it away, so people that sit at home all day, even though fully capable of getting a good job, have the same benefits as themselves. My position on this issue would have to be with the Canadians who don't believe in the government increasing the proportion of salaries to income tax. I believe every man for himself. What an individual earns, he deserves, because he worked hard for his pay. It's not that I don't agree with government intervention, I do, I just believe it should be trying to help its people become more independent, instead of 100% dependant on its government. For almost sixty years the Swedish economy was looked upon and admired for its high standard of living. Everything, you name it, they had it. They had a system called cradle-to-grave welfare system, and it promised almost everybody employment. Everybody was guaranteed a free post secondary education and the same went with health care and pension plans. People looking in on the country would be lead to believe Swedes didn't have a care in the world. In order for the Sweden economy to work as well as it did, Swedes had to pay 70% of personal taxes, which was the highest rate for personal taxes in all of the industrial worlds. What seemed to be a system with no flaws in it became evident that it was "too good to be true," the Swedish government had pampered its people so much, Swedes soon became dependant on its government and not on themselves. Four out of ten workers were employed by the government, workers not being present for work were very high, low productivity was being experienced in the export industries, vacations and other allowance benefits were very costly, economic slumps was reducing the base tax the social programs needed to pay for and the government deficit was increasing. In the end, when the government tried to reduce, the government spending Swedes weren't able to deal with their new given independence, and sure enough, high unemployment became one of many of their problems. Looking at Sweden as a case study, I think that is enough to discourage the Canadian government from increasing the proportion of salaries given to income tax to support the universality of social services. If Canada was to do so, it would only promote Canadians to be dependant on their government and not on themselves. Instead of increasing income tax to support social services, the government should introduce programs to help Canadians to budget their income to balance their wants and needs. Through the case study on Sweden we learnt that by the government increasing the proportion of salaries given to income tax to support the universality of social services, which in the long run it doesn't really benefit the citizens, but only sets them back, and teaches them that they don't ever really have to face the responsibilities that come with adulthood.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What I Learned from English 102 Research Paper Example

What I Learned from English 102 Research Paper Example What I Learned from English 102 Paper What I Learned from English 102 Paper ENG102 Prof 11/24/11 Reflective Essay When the semester began I thought to my knowledge that my writing was that of good quality. Though I had a good basic understanding of the format of an essay or letter I still had a lot to learn. My writing changed in many ways such as learning to eliminate unnecessary wording in my thesis, the use of synonyms, analyzing quotes and writing abstract to concrete thoughts or ideas. This Class not only helped enhance my writing abilities but to also better evaluate the writings of others and forced me to acknowledge the rigorous work of future courses in college. The thesis was and still is at times a task for me. I have always had the right perspective when it came to my thesis yet it was always very broad. I learned, though my thesis was pointed in the right direction I had to eliminate the unnecessary wording and make my statement clear and to the point. For example before the revision my thesis was â€Å"It is human nature to attain freedom at any cost than to live in madness or misery and the life of torture†, after my acquired knowledge I edited my thesis to â€Å"It is human nature to attain freedom at any cost than to live in madness or misery†. I acknowledged my bad habit and a run on of thoughts which I have come to correct. At times I find it funny that I couldn’t figure it out myself. The usage of synonyms was a concept I had to remember from grade school. It was pointed out to me that I had a repetitive use of words in my writing. In one of my previous essays I used the word freedom a bit too often, so I had to edit and make changes from â€Å"Madness can be an imprisonment that forces one to seek freedom† to â€Å"Madness can be an imprisonment that forces one to seek autonomy†. This was better when used synonyms because it keeps the reader interested. The use of synonyms creates the play of words, keeps the reader enlightened as they go along and helps the writer broaden their own vocabulary on an intellectual level. When a writer has analyzed a quote then he has analyzed the book itself. Issues can arise if a quote is not correctly evaluated. You must be positive that what you are saying coincides with your work for example in â€Å"The story of an Hour† the doctors said â€Å"she died of heart disease-of joy that kills†. When one is looking at this, one does not actually think there is a disease as such but there is a deeper meaning to it. I took this and realized the meaning by going back to the story. I could tell by the characters actions after the news of her husband’s death that happiness and freedom were emitting off her as never before. I had to envision this characters emotions to her joyous relief which made me appreciate the doctor’s quote. Going through the process of understanding a character helped me to comprehend the deeper meaning of certain quotes in the books I have been reading. This procedure aided me to incorporate this information into my essay as a developing writer. Writing abstract to concrete thoughts or ideas is very important. To speak about love which is abstract, one would have to express the emotion given by another that would be concrete as hugging or kissing. I found this to be very significant because when reflecting on abstract thoughts I learned to be specific and by evidence or explanation so to be concrete. In my paper â€Å"Price of freedom† I stated â€Å"madness can be an imprisonment that forces one to seek autonomy†, that is an abstract thought but it was made concrete by the verified information from the book â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†. I stated from my understanding of the book that â€Å"a women is isolated and told to rest by her husband†. â€Å"She descends into madness and construes the hallucinations of the wallpaper being real†. I made clear of my abstract thought to be concrete. I learned this helps the reader to better acknowledge the perspective of the writer. This class not only help me improve my writing skills but also prepare me for the painstaking work of future courses in college. Being able to read, write and discuss multiple books or documents on an intellectual level is more than a requirement; it is necessity for any and all students who would want to advance in today’s world. I do not believe one would be hired for a professional job if that person is speaking on a mere fifth grade level. I take great pride in the knowledge I have gained here. I can look at another student’s paper and discuss whether or not it is well written or needs improvement; that is an accomplishment in it of itself. In conclusion to the reflective look back on my journey, I can see how far I have come. I have come to appreciate writing, yet more so for reading because there was a time where I would dread the idea of reading, but I have come to recognize that reading is more enjoyable when it is something I favor. Writing has become very important in my life and at times it is my only way to speak. I am thankful for the great professor I have had a chance to work with because a good teacher makes the difference between professional advancement and utter failure. I can truly say I have learned much and am stronger to take on the educational system.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Internet Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internet Security - Essay Example In this report, section one will throw light upon two main problems that may usually affect a computer without security: hacking and viruses. The next section will compare two different types of security programs that can be used to protect the computer. The last part will discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of the proposed solutions in this paper. __ Hacker is a person who breaks into computers. Hackers have the ability to access any file or personal information from their own computers to other users. One of the most people who are able to hack any user are the computer scientist, but that does not mean that others are not able because at the end hacking depends on practicing and knowing all the strategies. With this information, users must use an internet security to protect their computers from any hackers to access their computers and hack it. However, that does not mean that only hackers can destroy any user computer but even emails or websites may contain viruses. Desktops and laptops can be at risk without any security program and there are different types of protection programs that can be used to protect computers. ... ktops and laptops can be at risk without any security program and there are different types of protection programs that can be used to protect computers. Anti-Virus is software that protects computers from any virus that can occur from downloading files. However, this program can be made by human beings. Many programs can damage the computer in different ways such as Malware, Trojan Horses, Viruses, and Worms. Antivirus software is the most useful way to protect a computer from any harmful viruses. Laptops develop every year and different anti- virus programs are able to be downloaded for the protection of the laptop. However, some of the websites have certificates to tell how secure is the website for the users to feel confident to use it. In addition to this, most of the websites that the user has to check for the secure certificate are the shopping websites because they might contain a type of virus to save their personal information such as the credit card information. At this po int another important point will be highlighted, which is data transmission which is the physical transfer __ data from one point to another. These data transmissions consist of different channels which are: copper wires, wireless, storage media, and optical fibres. These types which a user can share any data with others but there is a security code that can be used for some of them like wireless a security pin number can be set up. This security pin has to be used so no one can access through the user's computer without their permission. 2. Finding new programs to avoid the IT security "comparing two best security programs" 2.1 Firewall Firewalls are a software program that has the ability to block unsecured ports on the laptop. There are three different types of firewalls: stateful