Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Understanding Your Role As A Teacher Essay Example for Free

Understanding Your Role As A Teacher Essay I have been asked to critically examine and discuss the work of three selected authors and to compare and contrast their views. I will link this theory to my experience of working with children, and give my own views and how this has developed my understanding in my role as a trainee teacher. The readings I have chosen to discuss and compare are: An Introduction to Children’s Learning (Ray Potter), The Significance of Young Children’s Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Dowling M) and How Children Learn (Curtis A, O’Hagan M). Potter discusses how behaviourism and cognitive development are the two most widely regarded theories in the approaches to learning and how these theories have implications for teaching. ‘Behaviourism is a theory of learning focusing on observable behaviours and discounting any mental activity.’ (Pritchard 2008:6). He discusses several theorists and how their theories help children learn, and how teachers manage learning more effectively in the classroom. He talks about behaviourism and how children learn from life experiences. ‘Behaviourist claims that we are what we are, not because of innate intelligence or genetic factors, but solely due to our life experiences’. Potter (cited in Jacques et al 2004:63). Skinner, a pioneer in behaviourism, believed that behaviour could be controlled through ‘conditioning’, the act of rewarding desired behaviour (positive reinforcement) and ignoring undesired behaviour (negative reinforcement). Many of Skinner’s theories branch from his animal experiments, whereby he would reward with food and punish when saw unacceptable behaviour. This is highlighted in An Introduction to Children’s Learning (Potter), as to how this theory has been adapted in today’s schools. â€Å"Conditioning occurs in many schools in the morning when the children first arrive in the playground. They will be playing and talking to each other when they see their teacher come into the playground. The children will immediately line up in front of their teacher ready to go in to school†. This I observe everyday in my school setting. In the Introduction to Children’s Learning (Ray Potter) it states that children achieve well through the â€Å"behaviourist psychology which goes back many years to Pavlov and Skinner, thus children learn by listening carefully to get the correct stimulus and through the repeated reinforcement of correct responses†. This is evident in schools today, whereby teachers encourage children to chant and repeat facts across the curriculum. This is in the hope that repetition will result in the information becoming innate, consequently allowing the children to regurgitate at the drop of a hat, but it could argued do the children lose the meaning. One has to ask however, how successful is this for all children? Biggs (cited in Leask 2009:89) ‘A pupil’s motivation influences the learning strategies they adopt. A pupil with an instrumental motivation is likely to adopt reproducing or rote learning strategies.’ Do children retain this knowledge? We know now after many years of research that not all children benefit from the dated ‘talk and chalk’ style of teaching. The philosopher Confucius cited in Ray Potter’s In the Introduction to Children’s Learning, pondered the theory â€Å"I do and I understand†, this was later developed by Piaget who based his cognitive theories and ‘emphasis on doing, activity and experience children learn through interaction with their environment’. (Kitsen et al 1997:2) ‘Piaget was actually keenly aware of the importance of social factors in children’s learning.’ Bruner believed that children think through three modes, enactive (actions), iconic (pictures), and symbolic (words and numbers). Providing the information is presented in an appropriate way and the information is appropriate to the child’s age, then the child will be able to understand and learn from it. Bruner’s theory is that children’s learning is active and they base concepts on their previous knowledge. The past knowledge helps the learner to process the new information to support decisions in the form of cognitive development. This allows the child to build on past experience and develop further the information given. Like, Vygotsky, Bruner also believed that social interaction and culture played a big role in cognitive development. ‘Bruner felt that children were organised according to their experiences and that they are active in their learning’ (Tassoni, 2005:197). Potter also discusses cognitive theories and how the next generation theorist such as Piaget, Vygostsky and Bruner believe that memory, understanding and thinking are vital in children’s learning. ‘But these are the very stuff of the next generation of theorists, the cognitivists.’ Potter, (cited in Jacques et al 2004:66). The role of social interaction is based on theories from Vygotsky and Bruner. To put the role of social interaction into place at school the pupil and teacher need to work together by the teacher helping to create meaning, rather than dictating what is to be learned. Learning through social interaction does not always occur in school. Children also learn through social interaction with their peers, parents and other adults. A prime example of this social impact that is used in many schools today is the use of the school council. Children regardless of age, economical background, race and gender can voice their views and have their views challenged in a safe environment. ‘Social interaction (particularly those which take place between themselves) may facilitate the course of development by exposing a child to other points of view and to conflicting ideas which may encourage him to re-think or review his ideas’ (Wood 1998:17). Piaget’s theory maintains that children need to overcome a sequence of stages in development. These stages are complex and appear in four main categories. The sensory-motor stage begins from birth to two years, the child learns through sensory experiences and movement. The pre-operational stage from approximately two to seven years of age, when the child begins to develop the skill of using symbols and how things look, yet they are unable to direct logical thinking. By the age of seven to eleven or twelve children have begun to make connections by thinking logically and associating their thoughts to concrete situations, Piaget describes this as the concrete-operational stage. At approximately eleven or twelve the formal operational stage falls into place, by this age to adulthood we begin to use more sophisticated levels of abstract and logical thinking. He believes the development of stages from childhood to adulthood is a consequence of the individual’s experience with the environment around them. They are learnt through assimilation, accommodation and adaptation. ‘Every living thing must adapt to its environment if it is to survive.’ Vygotsky focused on language and communication as a support to a child’s cognitive development. He looked at how children interact with their peers and adults and how it influences their communication and language on a social level. This form of social interaction does not always have to be verbal, gesture and body language is communication learned though peers or adults. Another aspect of Vygotsky’s theory is the zone of proximal development. This is when development is gained through social behaviour. The skills of social interaction can be developed further with guidance from adults and peers. We as facilitators can support learners by scaffolding, gradually reducing support so the child becomes capable of independently completing a task. ‘The ‘zone of proximal development’ seems a vital idea for teachers to have in mind when talking to individual children. Could it be applied to pairs? Or to small groups? Or to a whole class?’ (Kitson et al, 1997:154). Dowling discusses how children’s personal, social and emotional development has a significant factor in children’s learning. Dowling explains that three themes often occur in any debate about early childhood issues, which are -context, continuity and controversy. An ideal example of this in practise is a well managed Foundation Stage classroom. Being an unqualified Reception teacher for the past two years, I have observed and experienced this environmental situation of context, continuity and controversy. For example role play areas are set in line with the topic e.g. Healthy Eating- setting up a restaurant. However the theory of constructivism being the idea that things are the way they are, is socially constructed e.g., boys play with cars, girls play with dolls. This is an integral part of everyday life. Toys are being marketed gender specifically. Children often arrive in a school setting with premeditated views coming from the way they have been brought up and through media advertisement. This can counteract the good practise that is trying to be initiated in foundation Stage settings of today. Cultural assumptions, according to Richardson, the ‘nature’ of girls’ and boys’ behaviour reproduce rather than expose inequality and work against young women in schools while supporting gendered stereotypes in society.’ (1997:25). When the children immerse themselves in the theme, their personal, social and emotional development thrives and their creativity blossoms. The current way the Foundation Stage is run nationally has been very successful in that funding has been given to early year’s education to allow schools to be successful in their early years teaching and development. However the new government has controversially pulled all of this funding and at present we are unsure as educators of which directive we will be undertaking. In contrast Dowling explains that in China children who attend Kindergartens receive homework in literacy and numeracy. The focus is on academic achievement rather than personal, social and emotional development. Therefore it has been found that these children rarely gain these skills in later life. Dowling (2000:17) ‘Asian education methods have valued academic development while damaging other aspects of children’s growth, which help them to live and achieve in society.’ It is similar to the theories of Piaget, Bruner and Skinner but I believe the actual concept that is being modelled is wrong if we are to educate young people to live successfully in today’s society. Similarly Curtis and O’Hagan discuss how factors can affect learning. They introduce the chapter by focusing on ‘What is learning? They discuss several ways children learn and factors which can affect this. These are development, environmental factors, and periods of learning, memory, concentration, cognitive styles, and intelligence. They believe children construct their knowledge and understanding through their experience with the environment, and that learning is active and experience based. They agree that children are not less knowledgeable than adults, that children just see the world differently at their level. In my classroom adults often celebrate when they have learnt something new, especially when the learning has been imparted from the child to an adult. The child just prioritises their learning differently from the adult. Children need this scaffolding in order to develop in many ways. This lending itself to Vygotsky’s theory. (Pollard 1994:13) ‘’they are thus seen as intelligent social actors who, although their knowledge base may be limited in absolute terms, are capable in many ways.’ In conclusion to the theories looked at, are all based around children’s learning and similar in view.. It is possible to learn from each of them and use the theory in practice in a classroom. As a teacher I would be more inclined towards Vygotsky’s theory. This is mainly due to the fact that we can challenge children to go beyond what they already know in our school environment. (Curtis et al 2005:36) ‘Educators began to realise that a stimulating environment could increase intelligence.’ For children to experience a broad and balanced curriculum we as facilitators need to be able to challenge and help children develop further. In order to help them do this we need to scaffold their learning by gradually withdrawing support and guidance so that the child can perform the task independently. I feel scaffolding is a skill that will develop overtime with experience promoting desired behaviour. (Corrie, 2002:174) ‘Teachers scaffold children’s learn ing when they help them to achieve something that they, could not do without the teachers assistance.’ The ability to judge how much and how little support is a difficult notion and varies from child to child. From Piaget, I have learned that for children to work independently and solve problems they need to build on their past experiences. Despite this I believe that with the guidance of a more knowledgeable peer or adult the child can learn through social interaction. Through social interaction a child might learn today what might take them weeks to learn if left to explore individually. I would suggest that if we can help and challenge children to go beyond what they know, they would continuously be learning new knowledge. I am also aware from working in inner city school; social factors have a huge influence in children’s learning. I understand how important it is to promote positive role modelling and give children first hand experiences in order to learn. ‘The context of the school can make a significant difference to children’s behaviour, self concept and self esteem as these accounts testify.’ (Rogers, 2009:13). Bibliography Jacques, K. Hyland, R. (2004) Professional Studies: Primary Phase, London: Learning Matters Ltd. Kitson, N. Merry, R. (1997)Teaching in the Primary School, London: Routledge. Leask, M (2009) Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools. Oxon: Routledge. Llleris, K. (2007) How We Learn: learning and non learning in school and beyond. London: Routledge Pollard, A. Bourne, J. (1994) Teaching and Learning in the Primary School. London: Sage. Prichard, A. (2008) Ways of Learning: Learning theories and Learning Styles in the Classroom. Oxon: Routledge. Richardson, V (1997) Constructivist Teacher Education: Building New Understandings. Great Britain: Biddles Ltd Rogers, B (2009) Manage Children’s Challenging Behaviour London: Sage Tassoni, P. (2005) Diploma in Child Care and Education. Oxford: Reed Educational Professional Publishing Ltd. Thornton, S. (2008) Understanding Human Development. London: Pelgrave Macmillan Wood , D. (1998) How Children Think and Learn, 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Imprisonment of Women Exposed in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpa

Imprisonment of Women Exposed in The Yellow Wallpaper When asked the question of why she chose to write 'The Yellow Wallpaper', Charlotte Perkins Gilman claimed that experiences in her own life dealing with a nervous condition, then termed 'melancholia', had prompted her to write the short story as a means to try and save other people from a similar fate. Although she may have suffered from a similar condition to the narrator of her illuminating short story, Gilman's story cannot be coined merely a tale of insanity. Insanity is the vehicle for Gilman's larger comment on the atrocities of social conformity. The main character of "The Yellow Wallpaper" comes to recognize the inhumanity in society's treatment of women, and in her awakening to this, visualizes her torment in the faded yellow wallpaper that hangs in her chambers, her jail. The unnamed narrator of the tale is purposefully left unnamed; the narrator could be any wife, any mother, any woman. Gilman transforms the hysterical, insane female of early 19th century literature into g enius. The first striking image that readers of "The Yellow Wallpaper" are presented with is not that of a room, it is not of the house, but of the character of John, the husband. John is described as a man of a "practical and extreme" nature (246). His presence throughout the tale provides for the narrator's motive. John refuses to accept her wife's condition; he does not believe that there is anything truly wrong with her. If a physician of high standing, and one's own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression, a slight hysterical tendency - what is one to do? (246) The narrator is possessed by her hus... ...ion. Sven Birkerts. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, 1992. 387-400. Haney-Peritz, Janice. "Monumental Feminism and Literature's Ancestral House: Another Look at 'The Yellow Wallpaper.'" Women's Studies 12 (1986): 113-128. Johnson, Greg. "Gilman's Gothic Allegory: Rage and Redemption in 'The Yellow Wallpaper.'" Studies in Short Fiction 26 (Fall 1989): 521-530. King, Jeanette, and Pam Morris. "On Not Reading Between the Lines: Models of Reading in 'The Yellow Wallpaper.'" Studies in Short Fiction 26.1 (Winter 1989): 23-32. Knight, Denise D. "The Reincarnation of Jane: 'Through This' - Gilman's Companion to 'The Yellow Wallpaper.'" Women's Studies 20 (1992): 287-302. Rigney, Barbara Hill. Madness and Sexual Politics in the Feminist Novel: Studies in Bronte, Woolf, Lessing, and Atwood. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1978.

Monday, January 13, 2020

How Can Building Surveyors Efficiently Differentiate Asr and Attack

Contents 1. Introduction2 2. Concrete attacks2 3. Alkali-Silica Reaction – ASR3 4. Sulphate Attack5 5. Reference List8 1. Introduction This report was issued in order to provide an in depth understanding of how a surveyor can differentiate between Alkali-Silica Reaction and Sulphate attacks in concrete when inspecting a building. In order to satisfy the requirements for this report, the author will give a detailed description of both kind of attacks, different study areas, experiments, diagnosis and forms of repair.To be able to define and analyse this topic, the author of this report has used different sources of reference such as books, academic journals, World Wide Web and several British Standards. By the end of this report, the writer will be able to demonstrate that the questioned concrete attacks can be differentiated by any professional surveyor when inspecting the concrete in a building. 2. Concrete attacks Chemical attacks usually occurs when using poor quality cemen t although good concrete has been known to be subjected to conditions that can lead to its deterioration.The environment â€Å"supplies† several physical and chemical forces which can contribute to concrete deterioration. BRE (2005) delivered a full list of chemical attacks that can arise both land contaminated by human and natural ground. There are several rarely occurred chemical attacks that are mainly caused by contaminated land; these are chemical species such as ammonium or chromium, but also organic such as phenols. The higher the quantity of these chemicals is, the higher the concrete attack.The most known forms of concrete attacks are: * Chloride penetration leading to corrosion of steel and spilling of the concrete cover; * Inadequate cover of reinforcing steel. Less common causes of concrete deterioration caused by chemicals or chemical reaction are: * Cycles of freezing and thawing; * Carbonation resulting in an increase of steel corrosion; * Sulphate attack; * Sh rinking aggregates; * Alkali-aggregate reactions. . Alkali-Silica Reaction – ASR It is believed that there are three types of alkali-aggregate reactions that will affect the condition of concrete: alkali-silicate reaction, alkali-carbonate reaction and alkali-silica reaction. It is believed that the alkali-silica reaction â€Å"may be found in the concrete because microcrystalline quartz or stained quartz is often present in aggregates contacting phyllosilicates† (Hobbs D. W. , 1988).The Institution of Structural Engineers (1988) described Alkali-Silica Reaction as being a chemical process in which the alkalis, found mostly in cement, when combined with specific types of silica found in aggregates, particularly in moist condition, will produce an alkali-silica gel that eventually will absorb the moisture from concrete, causing cracking and disruptions of concrete. British Cement Association (1993) advised that in order to determine that the inspected concrete cracking is a result of Alkali-Silica Reaction, the surveyor should sample and test the area â€Å"before any definite interpretation can be attempted†.Because of poor workmanship, shrinkage, weathering or differential stresses, the concrete can produce characteristics that will often be confused with Alkali-Silica Reaction. BCA (1993) are aware that â€Å"it is not always easy to distinguish these features from those indicative of ASR†. Their recommendation is that if suspected the sample should be taken into laboratory and further investigated. Because of the damping characteristics, the surveyor should allow dry weather when inspecting a suspected Alkali-Silica Reaction area.The degree of wetting should be recorded by the surveyor as this might be due to rain, condensation, leaking pipes, water run-off or poor detailing of construction. A second inspection is recommended if damp patches at the junction of the cracks are observed. It is known that Alkali-Silica Reaction will form a mapping crack at the surface of the concrete. Fig 1 is and extreme example of macrocracking found at the Hoover Dam, USA. Fig1. Example of cracking due to ASR at the Hoover Dam, USA Image taken from Hobbs, D. W. (1988, pp. 16)As it can be seen from the image, there are specific signs that this is an Alkali-Silica Reaction such as damp patches at the junction of the cracks and the edges of the cracks often appearing to be light in colour. Cracking like this will often be confused by surveyors as being caused by an expansion or contraction. As it was said before, one major feature of Alkali-Silica Reaction in concrete is cracking. In order to record data for further investigations, the surveyor should sketch or photograph the crack pattern. One other characteristic of Alkali-Silica Reaction is discoloration.This occurs along the cracks and although similar to rust caused by reinforce bars within the concrete, the surveyor is advised that colour photographs are to be taken for a n off-site second investigation. If occurred in reinforced concrete, the cracks caused by Alkali-Silica Reaction will tend to follow the lines of the reinforcing bars. Although often confused with the cracks produced by the corrosion of the reinforcements, in order to provide a definite confirmation of ASR, the surveyor should enforce a microscopic examination of a sample taken from the interior of the concrete.It is often that the surveyors confuse the cracking pattern of the affected cement. Other characteristics of Alkali-Silica Reaction are discoloration, efflorescence, exudations and pop-outs. 4. Sulphate Attack â€Å"Sulphate attack is the term used to describe a series of chemical reactions between sulphate ions and the components of hardened concrete, principally the cement paste, caused by exposure of concrete to sulphate moisture† ( Skalny et al. 2002, p. 3) It is well known that sulphate attack mainly affects the brickwork and concrete by creating a disruption of t he mortar. The sulphate attack can create expansion, bowing and/or cracking of affected material. The chemical and mineralogical compositions of Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) are the most vulnerable to sulphate environments (Bonshor 1996, Amin et al. 2007). OPC is one of the most common cement used in construction industry. Its main composition is ground limestone and clay.When burned, these components form the basis of most concretes. According to Ramson (1993, p. 19) if bauxite is used instead of clay, a high-alumina cement is produced. The main characteristic of this cement is its rapid rate of strengths developed and also if not ‘covered’ the high resistance to sulphate attacks. This can be one of the first evidence for surveyors that the concrete is not affected by sulphate attack. The main idea of sulphate attacks is simple.Bonshor and Bonshor (1996) describes that the sulphate salts migrating from neighbouring building materials, or sometimes even enclosed in th e groundwater react with elements of the OPC to produce ettringite or thaumasite. The most common circumstance of sulphate attack is when the unprotected concrete contains sulphate based materials or is exposed to sulphate groundwater. There are three main requirements necessary for sulphate attack to occur: (i) soluble sulphate salts such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.It is important to specify that attacks from different sulphates will have different result. Mortars or concretes attacked by sulphates such as calcium or sodium will have a soft mush; on the other side when attacks form magnesium sulphate occurs, this being considered the most aggressive, the main feature of this attack are the salts that sometimes crystallize out or near the surface of the attacked material; (ii) tricalcium aluminate consisted in ordinary or rapid hardening cement; (iii) a persistent wetness on the material.To understand the main manifestations of sulphate attacks in building component s, the author will describe the visual characteristics that a surveyor will look for, in order to distinguish and recognise when sulphate attack has occurred. * The mortar in the brickwork is considered by Addleson and Rice (1995) to be under sulphate attack from as early as two years after construction. One of the main visual appearances of the attack is the white colour of the cement. The mortar subjected to sulphate attack will become loose at the surface, sometimes presenting cracks along the bed joists.It is important to mention that surveyors often confuse the horizontal cracking from rendered walls caused by corrosion of strip ties in cavity walls with the sulphate attack. Bonshor and Bonshor (1996) recommend that if not confident with the diagnosis from visual inspection, the surveyor should sample the affected mortar and further examine in a specialist laboratory. University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol (2006) advice that sulphate attacks occurs where saturation is greatest and usually around parapet walls and chimney.This is due to the large exposer to rainfall. UWE believe that although in some cases repairs are possible, in most instances once started, the sulphate attack is impossible to stop therefore the only option is the re-building. * When the sulphate attack is detected in rendered brickwork there are several visual signs for a surveyor to distinguish the type of attack. Wide horizontal and vertical cracks will appear in the rendering. Outward curling of the rendering in the cracks might appear as a result of sulphate attack. Fig2. Example of Sulphate Attack on chimney brickworkImage taken from University of the West of England, Bristol, (2006) The adhesion of the rendering on the brickwork may fail; this can result in rendering falling off either from one brick or even a large portion this depending on the seriousness of the attack on brickwork. If untreated, the brickwork may be exposed to efflorescence. * There are several occasi ons when the sulphate attack occurs on the underside of the ground slabs. If not isolated by a damp proof membrane, the salts in the ground will react with the Portland cement causing a map-pattern of cracking.Bonshor and Bonshor (1996) recommend that BRE Digest 363 will provide guidance in the case of a sulphate attack on concrete. Generally sulphate attack in ground-bearing slabs will form cracks in a solid ground floor mainly if the recycled colliery shale has been used as capping layer for the ground underneath the slab. Because the sulphate attack in ground bearing slabs, the surveyor will have to investigate further whether the slab has a damp proof membrane and if possible what sort of material has been used as colliery shale fill.WRAP Organisation (2011) recommends colliery shale should be tested for sulphates especially if it is to be used in proximity to concrete. As building professional, a surveyor will be able to differentiate between Alkali-Silica Reaction and Sulphate attacks in concrete. There are several visual differences between these two chemical attacks. One of the major confusion made by surveyors is when inspecting a cracking pattern in a building. It is highly recommended that if suspected, the surveyor should take samples for laboratory examination. There are numerous chemical reactions that are likely to produce disruptive cracking in buildings.This is the reason why a professional surveyor should not rush and give diagnosis unless entirely sure about the cause. Word count: 1759 5. Reference List Addleson, L. and Rice, C. (1995) Performance of materials in buildings. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Alan Wood & Partners (2012) Sulphate attack . Available at: http://www. alanwood. co. uk/pdf/Sulphate-Attack. pdf (Accessed on 5th October 2012). Amin, M. M. , Jamaludin, S. B. , Pa, F. C. & Chuen, K. K. (2008) ‘Effects of magnesium sulphate attack on Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) mortars’, Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, (26) , pp. 235-242. Bonshor, R. B. and Bonshor, L.L. (1996) Cracking in buildings. London: Construction Research Communication. British Cement Association (1993) The diagnosis of alkali-silica reaction. Available at: http://homepage. tudelft. nl/n89v3/LinkedDocuments/1992-DiagnosisOfASR. pdf (Accessed on 5th October 2012). Cook, G. K. and Hinks, A. J. (1992) Appraising building defects: perspectives on stability and hygrothermal performance. Essex: Longman Scientific & Technical. El-hachem, R. , Roziere, E. , Grondin, F. & Loukili, A. (2012) ‘New procedure to investigate external sulphate attack on cementitious materials’, Cement & Concrete Composites, (34), pp. 57-364. Farny, J. A. & Kosmatka, S. H. (1997) Diagnosis and control of Alkali-aggregate reactions in concrete. Available at: http://www. nebrconcagg. com/assets/PromotionPages/Mix%20Design/ASR1. PDF (Accessed on 6th October 2012). Giaccio, G. , Zerbino, R. , Ponce, J. M. & Batic, O. R. (2008) ‘Mechanical behavi our of concretes damaged by alkali-silica reaction’, Cement and Concrete Research, (38), pp. 993-1004. Hobbs, D. W. (1988) Alkali-silica reaction in concrete. London: Thomas Telford. Mittermayr, F. , Bauer, C. , Klammer, D. , Bottcher, M. E. , Leis, A. Escher, P. & Deitzel, M. (2012) ‘Concrete under sulphate attack: an isotope study on sulphur sources’, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 48 (1), pp. 105-117. Ransom, W. H. , (1993) Building failures: diagnosis and avoidance. 2nd edn. London: E & FN Spon. Sachlova, S. , Prikryl, R. & Pertold, Z. (2010) ‘Alkali-silica reaction products: Comparison between samples from concrete structures and laboratory test specimens’, Materials Characterization, (61), pp. 1379-1393. Sarkan, S. , Mahadevan, S. , Meeussen, J. C. L. , van der Sloot, H. & Kosson, D. S. 2010) ‘Numerical simulation of cementitious materials degradation under external sulphate attack’, Cement & Concrete Composites, (32 ), pp. 241-252. Skalny, J. , Marchand, J. & Odler, I. (2002) Sulphate attack on concrete. London: Spon Press. The Concrete Society (1985) Alkali-silica reaction: new structures-specifying the answer existing structures-diagnosis and assessment. London: Concrete Society. The Institution of Structural Engineers (1988) Structural effects of alkali-silica reaction: interim technical guidance on appraisal of existing structures. London: the Institution of Structural Engineers.University of the West of England, Bristol, (2006) Durability of clay bricks. Available at: https://environment7. uwe. ac. uk/resources/constructionsample/Conweb/walls/bricks/section6. htm (Accessed on 20th October 2012). WRAP, (2011) Burnt and unburnt colliery spoil, Available at: http://aggregain. wrap. org. uk/applications/wrap_pdf/aggregain/pdf_material. cfm? id=2910 (Accessed on 22th October 2012). Zerbino, R. , Giaccio, G. , Batic, O. R. & Isaia, G. C. (2012) ‘Alkali-silica reaction in mortars and concre tes incorporating natural rice husk ash’, Construction and Building Materials, (36), pp. 796-806.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

King Lear Essay - 1056 Words

The Islamic Empires nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In early modern history, there were three major Islamic empires that became prominent. The Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire, and the Mughals. We will descuss the Development of these empires by listing their similarities and differences, and their political, social and cultural backgrounds. Next, we will get into the three empires reign of power and also give a discription of some of the great leaders of these empires and their legacy. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;All of these Islamic Empires had Turkish ruling dynasties. The Ottomans, Safavids and Mughals came from nomadic, Turkish-speaking peoples of the central Asia who conquered the settled agricultural lands of Anatolia, Persia†¦show more content†¦Sulayman the Magnificent also expanded the Ottoman territory under his rule dramatically by conquering Baghdad and adding the Tigris and Euphrates valleys to the Ottoman domain. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Safavid empire was first ruled by Shah Ismail, a 14 year old boy. He gained control of the empire by entering Tabriz at the head of an army and laying claim to the ancient Persian imperial title of the shah. The Safavids traced their ancestry back to Safi al Din, leader of a sufi religious order in northwestern Persia. Shah Ismail also decided for the religion of the Safavid empire to be Twelver Shiism . Twelver Shiism held that there had been twelve infallible imams ( or religious leaders) after Muhammad, beginning with the prophet’s cousin and son-in-law Ali. The belief was that the twelfth or â€Å"hidden† iman would one day return to take power and spread his true religion. Safavid propaganda suggested that Shah Ismail was himself the missing imam, or even the reincarnation of Allah. Shah Ismail’s followers believed that he had the power to keep them safe in battle. In the Battle of Chaldiran, Ismail’s forces attacked heavi ly the lines of the Ottoman empire and suffered devastating casualties. Shah Abbas the Great fully revived the Safavid Empire by moving the capital to a more centralized location and he encouraged trade with other lands. He also reformed the administrative and military institutions of the empire. Shah Abbas led the Safavids to numerousShow MoreRelated Shakespeares King Lear - The Redemption of King Lear Essay746 Words   |  3 PagesThe Redemption of King Lear It is said that no other playwright illustrates the human condition like William Shakespeare. Furthermore, it is said that no other play illustrates the human condition like King Lear. The story of a bad king who becomes a good man is truly one of the deepest analyses of humanity in literary history; and it can be best seen through the evolution of Lear himself. In essence, King Lear goes through hell in order to compensate for his sins. LearsRead More King Lear Essay1229 Words   |  5 PagesKing Lear Every situation in life has an appearance, and a reality. The appearance of a situation is usually what we want to see. The reality, what is really going on, is not always as obvious to the observer. People who cannot penetrate through the superficial appearance of a situation will see only what they want to believe is true; often, the reality of a situation is unappealing to the perceiver. These are the circumstances surrounding the conflict that occurs in William ShakespearesRead MoreThe Tragedy Of King Lear1347 Words   |  6 PagesThe Tragedy of King Lear: William Shakespeare, a playwright of the 1600 s, has been well known for writing many plays and poems. His play titled The Tragedy of King Lear is remembered globally and is learned in many schools today. A continuous theme in King Lear is a disguise, which consists of many different forms. There are physical, manipulative, and figurative disguises. In the beginning of the play, characters already fall into this category. In the first act, King Lear is at old age andRead More Shakespeares King Lear - Goneril and Cordelia in King Lear953 Words   |  4 Pages The Characters of Goneril and Cordelia in King Learnbsp;nbsp; Nothing makes a story like a good villain, or in this case, good villainess. They are the people we love to hate and yearn to watch burn. Goneril, of Shakespeare’s King Lear, is no exception. Her evils flamed from the very beginning of the play with her lack of sincerity in professing her love for her father: Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter; Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valuedRead MoreThe Tragedy Of King Lear Essay1745 Words   |  7 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of King Lear, human suffering is exploited through exploring social destruction caused by love, lust, and loss. King Lear’s kingdom is broken down through the excess of love and hate. Behaviors resulting from such emotions becomes tragic flaws for the characters within the play, as the need for approval disrupts all natural social order, which is then represented by the natural world. The natural world and nature of society become intertwined as the plotRead MoreThe Villains of King Lear2097 Words   |  9 PagesThe Villains of King Lear â€Å"A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. We must triumph in his downfall, yet not barbarously nor with contempt, and the close of his career must be in harmony with all its previous development.† -Agnes Repplier What makes a villain a villain? Some people might say that it is maniacal laughter and aRead MoreEssay on King Lear949 Words   |  4 Pages King Lear Summary nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The play, â€Å"King Lear† by William Shakespeare, starts with noblemen Kent and Gloucester having a conversation and the audience finds out that Gloucester has two sons. Edgar who is his heir, and Edmund his unimportant son. This info. leads to the mini-plot. Then, Lear enters to say that he is going to end his life’s tasks and problems. He then points to the map, he tells the people there that he will split his land into three parts. They are goingRead MoreBlindness-King Lear1809 Words   |  8 PagesIt seems ironic that both the oldest characters, Gloucester and Lear, who are blind either metaphorically or physically. They both exemplify that wisdom does not always come with old age. The parallel characters are very important to each other, Lear who is blinded metaphorically, and Gloucester who is physically blinded. Both characters undergo radical changes and their once sightless decisions become regrettable actions. They are unable to see people for who they truly are; thus their tragedy isRead More Shakespeares King Lear - Suffering of Cordelia in King Lear1507 Words   |  7 Pagestragedy of Shakespeare’s King Lear is made far more tragic and painful by the presence and suffering of the kings youngest daughter, Cordelia. While our sympathy for the king is somewhat restrained by his brutal cruelty towards others, there is nothing to dampen our emotional response to Cordelias suffering. Nothing, that is, at first glance. Harley Granville-Barker justifies her irreconcilable fate thus: the tragic truth about life to the Shakespeare that wrote King Lear... includes its capriciousRead More plotlear King Lear Essays: Importance of the Parallel Plot in King Lear810 Words   |  4 Pages Importance of the Parallel Plot in King Lear nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Literature can be expressed using many different techniques and styles of writing, some very effective and others not as much.nbsp;nbsp; One of the methods chosen by many is the use of so called parallel plots. Parallel plots, or sometimes referred to as minor, give the opportunity of experiencing a secondary storyline going along with the main plot that otherwise would be unmentioned.nbsp;